Woman working out at home


The future of fitness includes fitness apps, online workout sessions, and setting up a home gym. Are you ready to make these changes to your fitness routine?

Shredding fat, sculpting the glutes, and toning the arms in a few weeks are some of the promises that bait people into clicking the subscribe button on YouTube channels that offer health and fitness content. These online fitness classes have been around years before COVID-19 prompted the Philippine government to impose lockdown measures. This forced gyms, sports facilities, and fitness centers to temporarily stop their operations, much to the dismay of fitness enthusiasts.

While some gyms have chosen to safely reopen to the public, a lot are still wary of going back to their favorite studios. People have resorted to taking online classes, which has proven to be convenient and beneficial in its own way. And long after the pandemic is over, it’s a trend that we’ll see more of in the years to come. Here’s why:

1. Personal trainers guide you through your fitness journey in the safety of your home

fitness student attending online fitness classes


While YouTube videos are just a search away and viewers’ reviews are easy to browse, there’s nothing like having a personal trainer to guide your every move.

The word “personal” wasn’t placed there for nothing! There are many reasons why a personal trainer is essential. For one, your coach will educate you on your journey towards your fitness goals. Your program is unique to your needs, too. In each session, your coach will be able to correct your form and even offer advice on nutrition. If you ever get demotivated along the way, your trainer will be part of your support system, encouraging you to pull yourself back up. All of these can be done remotely using online platforms.

It’s not just a matter of preference on the part of the clients either. Gym and studio owners will have to make decisions based on government policies. With the six-foot rule for physical distancing in mind, these establishments have to accept customers in a limited capacity. To save their business and employees, they are coming up with innovative ways of rendering their services. Online personal coaching is one.

2. Home gyms are an emerging trend

treadmills and home gym equipment


Imagine putting on your workout clothes, spreading a yoga mat, and getting instructions from your coach online. That will save you the hassle of packing your things and traveling to the gym. Once you’re done, you can easily freshen up without being pressured by the thought of others waiting for their turn to hit the showers.

This pandemic has brought out the germaphobe in people which they never knew they had. You know it’s true–and it will take time for you to trust using shared gym equipment again despite strict disinfection measures. 

Now that you can attend classes online, the money usually spent on transportation and post-workout meals can now be allocated for something else. Setting up your home gym may be overwhelming but it helps to think of it as an investment to your health.

Others are quick to jump in on this trend. In the US, for instance, sales of fitness equipment skyrocketed by 55% due to lockdowns. Some gyms are even allowing their members to rent gym equipment from them. In Manila, some facilities have followed suit, such as Ride Revolution’s Bike Rental program to keep their community engaged and alive despite studio closures.

But hey, you don’t have to buy a rowing machine, sit-up bench, and indoor cycle in one shopping spree right away. Tread lightly. Align your purchase with your fitness goals to avoid unnecessary spending.

3. Fitness innovations create an interactive experience

person engaging in virtual reality fitness

Speaking of fitness tech, there are about a bunch of new trends emerging year after year, all with the intention of creating an unparalleled workout experience no matter where you are–but most especially at home.

Some of the leading innovations are wearables and smart equipment, both of which are already in use by many today. Usage is only bound to get higher, and at this point, it’s not a surprise.

There’s a sense of novelty and wonder with these smart devices. Fitness trackers and wearables can tell if you have taken a step or were just slacking off. Bathroom scales can now sync data to your mobile app or web account. There’s even a gadget that can tell you to correct your posture! Most of these are gadgets you never knew you needed until you tried. 

Because of the quarantine protocols, you might now be missing the familiar clinking and clunking of weights or even the presence of other gym regulars around you. With fewer people going to the gym, these may become just sounds of the past. But don’t let yourself drown in nostalgia. In the future, you can have Zumba parties or virtual reality workouts with friends. You’ll be surprised at what these companies will come up with to make your home workout more interactive to be able to meet the demands of a competitive market.

4. Fitness apps break boring routines and offer workout variety

fitness app showing different exercises

Anyone who signs up for a gym membership knows that they should be committed to sticking to it. The reality is, sometimes, your mood will take over. And if you’re not doing anything new, the routine can bore instead of motivate you–and we all know that switching to another fitness program does not come cheap.

Fitness apps might just hold the solution to this problem. Even though virtual workouts existed before, usage has inevitably increased because of the pandemic. In a Mindbody app survey, 73% of their consumers now use pre-recorded video vs. 17% in 2019; while 85% go for livestream classes weekly vs. only 7% the previous year. Talk about a huge jump in numbers!

Besides not being able to go to their favorite studios, there may be another reason why people flocked to access virtual workout content during this lockdown: variety. People need something engaging, and it also just might be the perfect opportunity to try a class you’ve been meaning to attend.

Many fitness apps house a library of fitness classes that can capture almost any user’s interest. If you suddenly decide to switch up your routine, you don’t have to worry about cancellation charges. Find yourself feeling bloated today? Go for a core workout. If you want to calm your anxieties, click the restorative yoga session. This is perfect if you’re still undecided about what kind of exercise you want to focus on, or you’re simply a fan of cross-training. It’s a win-win!

Try Online Workouts Today

Your gym buddies and fitness instructors helped nurture a family outside of your home. Splore is about to hit the App Store and Play Store soon–but until then, join our mailing list to be part of a community that helps you finish strong in your fitness goals. Just because everyone is forced to be physically distant, that does not mean you have to be socially apart!

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